Are you fulfilling your residency obligations?

Making sure that you are fulfilling your residency obligations can be a bit of a challenge. Any UK resident who…

Succession planning concerns in France – FAQs

Succession planning in France can cause some concerns among UK nationals living there. In this article, we address some of…

Financial planning for France in 2024

Here we are, at the start of the new year, wondering what it will bring.  The last few years have…

Strategic financial planning for France for 2024

Reviewing your financial planning to make sure it’s on track to meet your needs and protect your family’s long-term financial…

French property taxes

What French property taxes do you need to be aware of when buying, selling or renting out a property in…

Can you protect your family from French succession tax?

Understanding French succession tax is important if you are living in France and want to protect your family’s inheritance. Here…

Can you make France a tax-efficient home?

France’s tax may appear comparable to UK tax, and a little less kind on your finances than other parts of…

Retiring to France after Brexit – obtaining visas and navigating the financial landscape

Retiring to France after Brexit may feel like a challenge, but the process can still be relatively seamless if you…

Moving to and living in France tax-efficiently

If moving to France or already living there, make sure you understand how French income tax, wealth tax, and inheritance…

Introduction to tax in France

Tax in France works very differently to the UK so it is important to understand the rules and how they…

Bank deposit guarantee scheme limits in France and UK

Bank deposit guarantee schemes are designed to protect your savings and investments – but what are the limitations per customer…

Pensions and taxes – what you need to know in France

It is important to understand how your UK pensions are taxed when living in France. In fact, you may have…

Tax and estate planning in France – is yours up to date for 2023?

Tax and estate planning for living in France is best left in the hands of the experts, providing a holistic…

How does the France / UK double tax treaty on inheritances affect you?

France and the UK have a double tax treaty in place that can affect the way in which your beneficiaries…

French 2023 budget and tax update

The French government published its 2023 budget, projet de loi de finances, on 26 September.  This now has to pass…

Succession law and tax in France – how is your family affected?

Succession law in France works very different to what you may be familiar with in the UK and imposes forced…