Estate planning in Portugal – ensuring a tax-efficient legacy for your family

Your estate planning in Portugal needs careful attention to meet your wishes for your family and heirs. You need to…

Estate planning considerations for UK nationals in Spain

Careful estate planning becomes even more imperative when you move to Spain. The Spanish inheritance regime imposes forced heirship and…

Living in Cyprus and thinking of selling your UK property? Weigh up the pros and cons

For British expatriates living in Cyprus, weighing the decision to sell UK property involves considerations beyond mere investment, including future…

Succession planning concerns in France – FAQs

Succession planning in France can cause some concerns among UK nationals living there. In this article, we address some of…

Financial planning for France in 2024

Here we are, at the start of the new year, wondering what it will bring.  The last few years have…

Review your financial planning for 2024

Is your financial planning up-to-date for 2024? Take a little time now to check your tax planning, investments, pensions and…

Estate planning in Portugal – five things you should know about inheritance

Estate planning in Portugal may not be as complex as in some European countries, but if you live in Portugal…

Spanish succession tax update – some good news

Spanish succession tax is now much less of a concern in many regions. In 2023 the Balearics, Valenciana and Canary…

Can you protect your family from French succession tax?

Understanding French succession tax is important if you are living in France and want to protect your family’s inheritance. Here…

Determining and proving domicile

Domicile is a very important issue for British expatriates.  You remain liable to UK inheritance tax on your worldwide assets…

Thinking of relocating to Cyprus? How much tax could you save?

Cyprus tax differs from the UK in many ways – offering several benefits for those looking to relocate there.

More families than ever caught in the UK inheritance tax net

The 2022/23 tax year proved to be yet another record year for UK inheritance tax (IHT) receipts. This is expected…

Why retirement planning matters at any age

It’s never too early to start retirement planning, but the closer you get, the more it pays to focus on…

The cost of living longer

The cost of living longer can be a concern with today’s increased life expectancy. With retirement potentially lasting decades, how…

Tax and estate planning in France – is yours up to date for 2023?

Tax and estate planning for living in France is best left in the hands of the experts, providing a holistic…

UK inheritance tax and domicile – what you need to know today

UK inheritance tax follows you around the world since it’s based on domicile, not residence. You could live abroad long…