Living in UK tax

Moving Abroad or Returning to the UK

If you’re thinking about moving to a different country or returning to the UK after living abroad, it is a good idea to seek financial advice early.

By getting advice before you move, you could limit your tax liability in both countries and take advantage of opportunities for:

  • Cross-border tax planning
  • Investment structures and trusts
  • Currency of investments
  • Pension arrangements, including your options for transferring
  • Planning your legacy for your heirs

Blevins Franks has in-depth knowledge of the tax regimes of the UK as well as the European countries in which we operate. With our expertise, we can make sure you get the best out of your finances, wherever you are.

Our team of specialists work across the UK to provide tax advice and financial planning solutions to UK residents and British nationals moving to Europe or returning after living abroad.

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Giving you 'Peace of Mind'

We want our clients to have total ‘peace of mind’ by ensuring:

  • We are accessible to all our clients.
  • That our client discussions, reports and other communications are clear and delivered in a client appropriate manner.
  • That not only is the advice we give and products we use suitable and transparent at the time of the advice, but this continues over the lifetime of the relationship, something that is especially important when moving between countries.
  • That we have available a range of inter-group services not usually associated with a UK financial advisory company, examples include, professional tax advisers, a trust company, a team to help beneficiaries co-ordinate the administration associated with the passing of assets after a client’s death.

Our UK advisers are located around the UK and supported centrally through our central London office which is where our Chief Executive and Chairman are based.

We want people to be able to easily access and understand the information we provide, so if you need further help to access information on this website or key documents in a different format or setting. Please contact us via your Blevins Franks adviser, by email via [email protected] or by phone on +44 (0)20 7389 8133.

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UK Residents Planning to Move Abroad

Many Britons who move abroad wait until they’re resident in their new country before seeking tax planning advice. However, leaving it this late can eliminate some of the most tax-efficient opportunities available.

Many countries which are seen as high tax jurisdictions can actually be very tax-efficient if you know how the system works. France and Spain are good examples of this.

Other countries, like Portugal, Cyprus and Malta, offer very generous tax incentives to attract foreigners to relocate there.

To get the most out of your move, before you leave the UK, seek expert advice to establish:

  • Your tax liabilities in your new country
  • How you can legitimately reduce taxation on your income, savings, investments, pensions and estate
  • If and when you should buy, rent or sell property in either country
See more about retiring to Europe

British Expatriates Returning to the UK

Whatever the reasons for returning to the UK, it’s important to give yourself enough time to review and reorganise your financial affairs. This is not only for your own peace of mind, but to make sure the financial implications of your return work in your favour.

Some questions you need to ask are:

  • When will you become liable for UK tax again?
  • Can you be flexible around the timing of your return?
  • How should you restructure your finances for tax efficiency
  • When should you buy or sell a property in either country?

With professional, personalised advice, you can avoid punitive tax implications and make use of tax-efficient opportunities in the UK to make your return as seamless and tax-efficient as possible. You may even benefit from tax advantages that are otherwise unavailable to UK residents.

Currently living in the Middle or Far East? Find out more about your options

Contact an adviser about returning to the UK

UK Residents

Our extensive knowledge of UK taxation and related pensions and investment options means we can also support you if you’re permanently based in the UK.

Our team includes chartered tax advisers who can advise on complex tax matters, as well as professional financial advisers qualified to advise on wealth management and capital solutions for UK residents.

Make an appointment with a UK-based adviser
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