Living in Malta tax

If you’re living in or thinking about moving to Malta, you could enjoy some significant tax advantages.

The Maltese tax system is different from that in the UK and many other countries, particularly for non-domiciled individuals. There are various residence programmes available to people moving to Malta that can limit the tax you have to pay and protect certain assets from taxation. We can help you weigh up the most favourable options for you and your personal circumstances.

As with any wealth and estate planning, the starting point is to understand what the rules are and then establish how you can use them to your benefit.

With personalised financial advice from Blevins Franks, you can make the most of what you have while keeping up with the complex tax rules in both Malta and the UK.

Our team of specialists based in Malta and London work together to provide tax advice and financial planning solutions to expatriates living across the Republic of Malta. The Blevins Franks office in Mriehel is also our operations hub, where our administration, legal and operations teams are based.


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Estate Planning for Malta

While there’s no inheritance or gift tax in Malta, there are stamp duty charges on the transfer of real estate and some Maltese shares.

Maltese law also applies ‘forced heirship’ rules on real estate. This means that your spouse and children will inherit a certain proportion of your property, regardless of what your will says. We can present legitimate options to ensure your estate is distributed according to your exact wishes while protecting your heirs from paying more tax than necessary.

See more about estate planning

UK Pension Planning in Malta

There’s more choice than ever for accessing your UK pension savings.

Blevins Franks can advise you on the pros and cons of each option as well as the local tax implications in Malta, so you can make a fully informed decision on the best solution for you.

 See more about pension planning

Investment Advice for Malta

Our specialist expertise can make sure your finances are structured as tax efficiently as possible for Malta, with an investment strategy personalised for you.

We start with an objective assessment of your risk profile so that we can recommend portfolios designed around your personal situation and objectives. We have access to some of the world’s best investment managers to make sure your money works as hard as it can. Speak to Blevins Franks to take full advantage of the tax and investment opportunities available to British expatriates living in Malta.

See more about our investment services

Speak to Blevins Franks to take full advantage of the tax and investment opportunities available to British expatriates living in Malta. Arrange a free consultation with a local adviser.

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The tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; individuals are advised to seek personalised advice.

The Blevins Franks Guide to Living in Malta

Living in Malta, buying a Maltese property or planning to move there? Our paperback guide pulls together the key tax and financial information you need to know to make your life in Malta as tax-efficient and seamless as possible.

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