Blevin Franks Monaco

S.A.M. Blevins Franks Strategic Planning
Palais de la Scala
1 avenue Henry Dunant

call +377 (0)97 77 55 74

Rob Kay
Regional Director

call +377 97 77 55 74

Mike Marsden
Senior Partner
Monaco • Monaco

call +377 97 77 55 74

Featured News
UK-based financial advice and services post Brexit. 4 things to consider.

EU-resident Britons with UK-based advisers, bank accounts and investments may be limited in what they can do now that UK financial firms cannot use...

Does your cross-border tax planning stand up to today’s scrutiny?

Cross-border tax planning – Over 100 countries are now automatically sharing information on taxpayers to expose tax evasion, and local tax offices...

How will Brexit affect your freedom of movement in the EU?

Brexit and freedom of movement – UK-resident visitors to EU countries such as Portugal, France or Malta may be limited to spending no more than 90...