
Martin Gilbert

Non-Executive Director

Martin was appointed as an independent Non-Executive Director of the Blevins Franks Group on 1 November 2023 and brings a wealth of experience to the Board.

Martin was the Chief Executive of Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, which he co-founded in 1983. Under his leadership, Aberdeen became one of the world’s leading independent asset managers through a combination of organic growth and strategic acquisitions.

Martin is Chairman of Revolut Limited, AssetCo and Toscafund. He is also a Non-Executive Director at Glencore plc. In 2011, Martin joined the Board of Sky PLC and in January 2016, he was appointed Deputy Chairman until its acquisition by Comcast in 2018. Between 1995 and 2013, he was Chairman of FirstGroup, having been a director since it was formed in 1989. He is a member of the International Advisory Board of British American Business, and previously was Chairman of the UK Prudential Regulation Authority’s Practitioner Panel as well as a member of the International Advisory Panel of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

In 2015, Harvard Business Review ranked Martin 22nd out of over 900 in its list of the world’s top performing CEOs. Martin was named Personality of the Year at the City AM Awards in 2017 and Asset Management CEO of the Year at the Global Investor Awards the following year. In 2020 Martin was given the Editor’s Choice Award at the Financial News Asset Management Awards in recognition for his contribution to the industry over 37 years.